Saturday, April 11, 2015


As it turns out, I have two big announcements (yesterday I said I only have one)! Life is such an adventure and this is a great month through and through!

My announcement for today is: 

I have my own domain!

Baahahhaaha! Happy Tessa land? Adam and I think it flows nice. I'd totally do, but it was taken. I would've done, but that was taken too.

The host I'm using has so many suffixes to choose from, it's unreal. I had no ideal those existed. There were options like .holiday, .Christmas, .ninja, .company,, and probably 20 others. I tried "happy" dot ANY suffix, but someone beat me to them. /sadface Once I saw .ninja, I totally wanted to do that, but Adam quickly talked me out of it.

Silly to be excited over something so tiny, but hey, it's a big deal for me! I'm really making my brand and sticking my head out there for all to see. I just wish I had more time!! MORE TIME, PLZ!

So feel free to take a gander at the products, and if you feel like shopping, my Etsy is tied right to that page as well. Just click the second button "shop" on the menu at the top of the page! 

Tomorrow I'll share with you my other adventure!


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Thanks, mango! You're a fabulous person and there needs to be more people like you that comment on awesome posts.