Tuesday, February 28, 2012


I just got my first award. And I didn't even do anything to win it. I'm just awesome and that was enough! Michelle over at Amusing Michelle gave me the Liebster Blog award! Michelle is such a sweety!

What is the Liebster Blog award? Here is a quick explanation.   'Liebster' is German for 'dearest'. The award is a 'share-the-love' arrangement, given to inspirational bloggers with less than 200 followers (based on Google followers).

Here's the to-do list of any Liebster award recipient:
1) Thank the giver and link back to the blogger who gave it to you
2) Reveal your five blogger picks and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog
3) Copy and paste the award on your blog (see above)
4) Hope that those you award forward it to their favorite bloggers!

It was hard to find followers with less than 200 followers! Now, I don't actually comment on anyone's blog except Michelle's, and these people have no idea I exist and certainly don't follow me, so I'm just doing this for the fun of it. 

1) The first blog I thought of was Anya's - Life is What you Make It. It's super rare that I don't absolutely LOVE and her work truly inspires me. Now that I'm looking, I don't see how many followers Anya has. I'll just assume it's less than 200 because this assignment is hard.

2) The second is Mary Ann Jenkins at i rock, paper & scissors. I think it's awesome that she has the same exact name as my mother. She is a scrapbooker and I love her layouts. It's really hard for me to find blogs that scrap, and then it's nearly impossible for me to find one that actually does work that I like. Yes, I know that makes me a snob. Meh... It's the internet. I do what I want.

3) The Creation of Creativity. I love her work. Clean, crisp, awesome techniques.

I fail. All of the other bloggers that I follow have well over 200 followers. I enjoy reading my cousin's blog, but since it's a family blog with pictures of her million kids and such, I dunno that I should share it. I think I will share my ultimate favorite sites on my reader as my last two:

4) Jennifer Lawson is The Bloggess: Like Mother Teresa, only better. Crude, down to earth, CRAZY, and has extreme anxiety issues. She makes me laugh obnoxiously loud with every single post. I laugh so hard that my stomach hurts, I can't breathe, and my eyes start to water. And Adam gets that worried look on his face and thinks I've gone mad. The Bloggess is awesome.

5) Road Kill Rescue. Before and after pictures of awesome projects/upcycling/fixing/etc.

Thank you, Michelle, for the awesome award :) I don't think I deserve it but I'll take it!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, you SO deserve this award! You are a great follower, and I can't believe I'm the only one you comment on. I'm feeling doubly honoured. :-) You are so creative with everything you do. And I like having you as my blog friend. :-)


Thanks, mango! You're a fabulous person and there needs to be more people like you that comment on awesome posts.