Friday, February 22, 2013



My mother asked me a few weeks ago if I would make her a dozen thank you cards.  At the time, Adam and I were in the middle of installing a shelving system in my Craftination Station (my craft room) closet and, since we're hopelessly newbie at these types of things, it was taking us a very long time.

For the record, ClosetMaid's instructions are SO much more complicated than they need to be.

We finished the shelves a week or so ago, but then I had to put my room back together so it was functional.  Eventually I will get around to posting pictures of my new organization!  I still have a lot more to do and still have solutions I need to find, and money for something like a bookcase... but the Craftination Station has come SO far in the last 3 years!

I digress.  Over the past few nights I've been putting some ideas together and have made a few cards.  I'm sorry this is taking so long, Mom!

Tonight I came up with an idea that involved a paper doily, but I couldn't figure out how to attach it to my card.  Luckily I didn't make the whole darn card only to ruin it at the end when I attached the doily!  I tried my usual Tombow tape, which showed through the doily; Mod Podge, which made the doily shrivel; glossy accents, which of course shriveled like Mod Podge too; and also Crafty Power Tape, just in case that happened to be made of fairy dust that worked with doilies, which apparently is fairy-dustless.

Enter: my best friend, the Internet.  Apparently there's a very specific way to adhere doilies!  I found this video:

Don't bother watching the video.  Do you know what the solution is?  Elmer's Glue.  That's it.  Boy did I feel dumb.  I kept watching the video, thinking that I missed something.  Nope.  It's that simple and any 2 year old knows how to do it.

MY POINT IS that I did this all in my craft room!  Adam has this 10 year old laptop, and of course it's fairly crappy and can hardly stand running Google Chrome, but I stole it anyway and put it in my Craftination Station so I could use it in times like this!  Which is great, because when I go into the computer room and sit down next to Adam, I get sidetracked and conned into playing a game.  I usually don't make it out of there until bedtime.

And just because, here's a peek at my favorite card I've made so far for my momma mia:

I'm a fan of the bright primary colors and the texture, texture, texture.  It took 10 minutes to get this picture on this post because this laptop is slow as molasses, so I'll post the pictures another day.  Knowing me, that'll either be in a year or never. ;)

Have a grand night and weekend, ya'll!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


I just cancelled all of my appointments with every one of my doctors. The medical debt is up to $21,000. That's more than I make in an entire year. I don't understand how the world can work this way. I feel so defeated, so angry, so depressed, so panicked.

I can't even see my counselor. I left a message on her voice mail; I wanted to tell her myself that I couldn't see her anymore. As soon as I heard her voice on the recorded message, I crumbled in tears. She may not even understand my message through my cries. How embarrassing.

I wish Wisconsin wasn't a marital state so I could let all of my debts go to collections, trash my credit, and never pay them. I don't care that it's dishonest. I feel cheated and they don't deserve anything from me. $500 for 5 minutes of a doctor's time is so outrageously wrong and I get rabid with anger when I think about it.